MTYC Racing
The Melbourne Trailable Yacht Club hosts 4 Racing Series: A Summer Sailing series, Women's Sailing Series, Winter Sailing Series, & a Twilight Sailing series.
Download the sailing Calendar at the bottom of this page or Click here for the Google calendar
Before racing or cruising. The following forms must be submitted.
The Commodore's Cup is the first race of the new sailing season & awarded on Class Based Handicap (CBH).
The Summer Sailing Series consists of two sub-series, a long course series & a short course series. Results are based on two handicapping systems, CBH & Personal Handicaps (PHC). The two sub-series results are combined at the end of the season to provide an overall Summer Series champion in both CBH & PHC.
The Women's Sailing Series promotes, encourages, & recognises the skills & participation women in sailing.
The Winter Series is a short course series. Results are based on two handicapping systems CBH & PHC.
The Four Points Race is a race around the northern part of Port Phillip & open to all trailable yachts. The final leg of the Australian Sailing Victorian Trailable Yacht Division's Travelers Series. The 2019 Race is scheduled for 4 May 2019.
If you are not an MTYC member you will need a SailPass to participate.
Useful links:
Port Phillip Bay Racing Marks