Queenscliff - Grand Final Weekend Cruise


Fri 23 Sep 2022 11:00 — Sun 25 Sep 2022 12:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Each Skipper MUST COMPLETE the "book Now" the orange button at the top right of the qcyc.org.au Home Page.

Beside this button is a blue "Pay Wharfage" button. When this is completed the code for the western door to the club will be revealed. Please do not pay wharfage until the Weather Gods have made their final decision about the weekend.

Once arrived All Skippers must enter their details in the Wharfage Book. AND ALL VISITORS  enter their details in the Visitors Book. Both of these are located in the foyer.

The QCYC Induction Handbook has some very useful information.

The current in the Queenscliff Cut can run at up to 5 knots.

Slack Water in the cut is 10-20 minutes BEFORE slack water at the heads.

This makes the approximate slack water times in the cut

Thursday 22/Sept  11:30 am & 4:40 pm & Friday 23/Sept 12:45 pm & 6:25 pm.

For those planning to join the cruise in company on Friday from Rye boat ramp Departure time is 10:00 am

The Queenscliff-Sorento ferry berths at the head of the cut. Time your arrival & departure by checking their timetable
